Answered By: Erin McDaniel
Last Updated: Aug 26, 2019     Views: 597

To find articles on this topic, access our database guide, linked below. This guide organizes all our databases underneath the subject pages at the top. Look for the Nursing page and click on it to see the list of databases in the center box. I'm going to walk you through a couple of database searches I did.

I'm not sure exactly what your topic is. I interpreted your key words as meaning you need articles on nurses' concern towards cleanliness and hygiene in india. I was looking for articles that discussed hygiene in the clinical situation, that would be the responsibility of medical personnel. Additionally, I saw articles on accidental needle pricks that happen to nurses, and also patient hygiene, so you can tweak the results as needed. 

The first database I searched was Academic Search Complete. Click the link, and if you are off campus, enter your 7-digit COM account to log into the database. If you are on the COM campus, you will not have to log in.

I searched the following phrase. You can copy and paste it. The capitalized AND's tell the database to search for articles that include all the terms. nurses  AND (india AND hygiene). After you run your search, use the limiters on the left to narrow and target your results. First, put a check in the box next to Full Text. You will also want to update the publication date range to within the past 5 years. You can either type in 2010 or use the slide bar. Finally, look towards the bottom of the heading list on the left for Geography. Click to expand and select India.

The result list includes article title, a bit of the abstract (summary) and the subject terms. Scan that info to locate promising articles. Some other relevant subject terms I saw in the results are HAND washing,  INDUSTRIAL safety, CROSS infection -- Prevention, PATIENTS -- Safety measures,  ADVERSE health care events, and COMMUNICABLE diseases -- Prevention. Also take note of the type of institution, if you have a preference. They mention hospitals, community health care centers, neonatal, home health workers, etc.

You can also try using the Subject Thesaurus Term limiter (3 headings above Geography). Click the header to expand and you will see a short list, and underneath that a Show More link. Click on that to see a dialog box of the subject terms present in the result list. Check the boxes next to any of the subjects that seem relevant.

I tried CINAHL, and didn't find much on India. If you want to try, be sure and use the drop-down menu at the end of the search bar for the 1st line and change it to Full Text search. You will use the same technique outlined above, except you will narrow your subjects by accessing them under Subjects: Major Heading. Also, India isn't an available geographical term. It doesn't get more specific than Asia. However, this eliminates several potentially relevant articles, so you should skip that step.

I next tried ProQuest Research Library: Health and Medicine. It's the last database link in the Nursing page in our database guide. I used the following search string: nurses AND india AND (Cross Infection OR Hand Disinfection OR Hygiene OR Infection Control). Enter that in your search bar and check the Full Text box right under the search bar before you proceed.

You will essentially use the same techniques to limit articles, but the limiters are on the right. First, scroll down until you find the Publication Date limiter, and use the scroll bar so articles are from 2010 or later. To have articles about India, look for the Location heading, ,and click the + to expand. This will pull up a short list, ending with a More Options link. Select that to see a dialog box with all the possible locations. India is listed, and it looks like a couple of states, as well. Check the relevant ones, then hit the Apply button.

You can also click to expand the Subject Heading, then the More Options link and choose which subjects to include.

Health Reference Center Academic is also a good database, if you still need more articles. I've also included links to the How-To guides for the databases mentioned here. Hope this helps!

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