Answered By: Erin McDaniel
Last Updated: May 13, 2015     Views: 5111


Yes, database names should be italicized. It is good that you are double checking that reference. Citation generators are helpful, but they sometimes get a couple of things wrong.

If you want to make sure any other part of the reference is correct, you can use the link I included below to Purdue Owl's MLA guide. This will take you to the page that gives instructions and examples for electronic sources. Scroll almost to the bottom of the page until  you see the heading titled "An Article from an Online database (or Other Electronic Subscription Service)".

It gives two examples, so hopefully that helps. Purdue Owl's guide is very helpful. On the left towards the top of the page you will see the pagele of contents. If you want to see how to do in-text citations for paraphrasing, select "MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics". For direct quotes, select "MLA Formatting Quotations" and so on. The sample paper and sample Works Cited page is also useful. Hope this helps!

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