Answered By: Kathryn Park
Last Updated: Aug 01, 2019     Views: 193

Sorry you are having problems! There are too many different things that could be happening to know the cause of her email issues. Here are some thoughts:

  • If her Internet access is working fine then the issue could be with the document she is trying to forward. There are file size limits.
  • If she can email you successfully without the document, that is probably the problem.
  • If she cannot email you at all, but has Internet access that is working, the problem may be with her email prover and she should contact them to get help.
  • This probably won't be quick enough, but as a work around solution you could share documents via Google Docs. It requires free account set up. She could upload a doc there and share it with you. Here's how to share:

Share a file or folder

You can share a file or folder in Google Drive or in the Docs, Sheets, and Slides home screens.

  1. Open Drive, or a file or folder you want to share.
  2. Open the sharing box:
    • While you have a file open: Click Share in the top-right corner.
    • While you have a folder open: Click the Share button in the top-right.
    • From your file list in Drive: Select the name of a file or folder and click the Share button at the top.
  3. Under “People” in the sharing box, type the email addresses of the people or Google Groups you want to share with. You can also search for contacts by typing them into the box.
  4. Choose the type of access you want to give these users by clicking the dropdown arrow to the right of the text box:
    • Can edit: Users can edit the file or folder and share it with others
    • Can comment:  Users can view and add comments to the file or folder, but can’t edit it
    • Can view:  Users can see the file or folder but can’t edit or comment on it
  5. Click Done. The users will receive an email letting them know you’ve shared the file or folder with them.

Share lots of files at once

If you want to share multiple files at once, add the files to a folder in Drive and then share the entire folder with the people you want to see the files.

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