Answered By: Jessica Maris
Last Updated: Jul 19, 2024     Views: 42

Great news! You can use OneSearch (link below) to find out what we have available. 

Here's how:

  1. Type on your topic. If you are using a phrase, use quotes around it to make more effective. Example: "media bias".
  2. On your result list under Refine My Results, select BOOKS .  Ths will give you a list of both books and eBooks the library has available.  Clicking HELD BY LIBRARY gives you a list of just books on the shelves.
  3. From the result list you can see what is checked out and what is available, along with the call number so you can find it on the shelves.

Grab a Citation

Grab a citation for the book by clicking on the quotes icon on the result list, selecting a citation style (APA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard or MLA--MLA shows by default) and then select COPY THE CITATION TO THE CLIPBOARD.


We also have a great collection of eBooks. Go to A-Z databases: Books & eBooks to get direct links. 

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