Answered By: Kathryn Park
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2019     Views: 323

It is a tough topic. There are a couple things making it difficult: most of the articles on juicing are not scholarly. Most of the articles on juicing and cancer are on prevention. Ultimately I did find 6 scholarly articles by searching on cancer patients, limiting by subject to cancer patients and adding juice to the search. But it is not a good sign when you can only retrieve 6 articles and have to use all that you find. They still may not have had the info you needed for your paper. The juices that came up were wheat grass, carrot, tomato, pomegranate. You might be able to find more if you search on those specific ones. Or broaden to the fruits themselves, not just juice.

A possible alternative, depending on what your instructor says, is to broaden your search to cancer patients and nutrition. You'll end up with a list of other a thousand articles and can narrow down from there.


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