Answered By: Arnetta Henderson
Last Updated: Jul 15, 2024     Views: 8841

 You can enhance your picture by adding effects, such as shadows, glows, reflections, soft edges, bevels, and three-dimensional (3-D) rotations to it. You can also add an artistic effect to a picture or change the brightness, contrast, or blurriness of a picture.

1.      Click the picture that you want to add an effect to.

To add the same effect to multiple pictures, click the first picture, and then press and hold CTRL while you click the other pictures. If you are using Microsoft Word, you must copy the pictures to a drawing canvas (drawing canvas: An area on which you can draw multiple shapes. Because the shapes are contained within the drawing canvas, they can be moved and resized as a unit.) if they are not already there. (After adding or changing the effect, you can copy them back to the original location in your document.)

2.      Under Picture Tools, on the Format page, in the Picture Styles group, click Picture Effects.

If you do not see the Picture Tools or Format pages, double-click the picture to make sure that you selected it. If you see [Compatibility Mode] next to the file name at the top of the program window, try saving your document into a format such as *.docx or *.xlsx instead of an earlier file format such as *.doc or *.xls, and then try again.

3.      Do one or more of the following:

  • To add or change a built-in combination of effects, point to Preset, and then click the effect that you want.
  • To customize the built-in effect, click 3-D Options, and then adjust the options that you want.
  • To add or change a shadow, point to Shadow, and then click the shadow that you want.
  • To customize the shadow, click Shadow Options, and then adjust the options that you want.
  • To add or change a reflection, point to Reflection, and then click the reflection variation that you want.
  • To customize the reflection, click Reflection Options, and then adjust the options that you want.
  • To add or change a glow, point to Glow, and then click the glow variation that you want.

To customize the glow colors, click More Glow Colors, and then choose the color that you want. To change to a color that is not in the theme colors (theme colors: A set of colors that is used in a file. Theme colors, theme fonts, and theme effects compose a theme.), click More Colors, and then either click the color that you want on the Standard page, or mix your own color on the Custom page. Custom colors and colors on the Standard page do not update if you later change the document theme (theme: A set of unified design elements that provides a look for your document by using color, fonts, and graphics.).

To customize the glow variation, click Glow Options, and then adjust the options that you want.

  • To add or change a soft edge, point to Soft Edges, and then click the size of the soft edge that you want.
  • To customize the soft edges, click Soft Edges Options, and then adjust the options that you want.
  • To add or change an edge, point to Bevel, and then click the bevel that you want.
  • To customize the bevel, click 3-D Options, and then adjust the options that you want.
  • To add or change a 3-D rotation, point to 3-D Rotation, and then click the rotation that you want.
  • To customize the rotation, click 3-D Rotation Options, and then adjust the options that you want.


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