Answered By: Jessica Maris
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024     Views: 114

To find answers to these questions, you can try the various resources available through the library (books, eBooks, academic databases, etc.)

To search for books, follow this link to our book catalog.  Try doing searches for words like early american history, american colonies, native american history, slavery, and look through the search results to locate books that may contain the information you are seeking.  The table of contents of books are often included in the catalog and this can give you a better idea of what's in the book.  You can also try the reserve books for COM history classes.

The book catalog will also retrieve the records for eBooks.  If a book listed is an eBook, you can open and read it on your computer.

You can also search our academic databases.  To do so, follow this link to our databases guide, and select the History page from the subject drop down menu.  This will present you with the library's history databases.  Gale Academic OneFile is usually a good place to start looking.

Try starting off your search in the databases with the same sorts of search queries listed above.  After the search goes through you can limit the search results with the limiters on the left side of the screen.  The subject heading limiters are particularly useful to narrow the search results down to relevant articles.  If you keep searching you should find articles that can help answer your questions. 

You can learn more about how to effectively use the library for research purposes through the guides listed below.




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