Answered By: Kathryn Park
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2019     Views: 2192

OneSearch is best used for citing items like books and DVDs that are physically in the library. If you are using an article, eBook or other item from a databases it's best to grab the citation from the database. Here's how:

  1. On the result list, click on the quote icon to launch the pop up citation window.

  2. APA is selected by default.


  4. Paste into your paper. See the change it tips, below, to make it just right.


Change It Tips

  1. After pasting the citation in your paper, create a hanging indent. (follow this link to see how).
  2. Make it double spaced (follow this link to see how).
  3. Change the font to Times New Roman 12.

It Should Look Like

Brooks, M. (2006). World War Z : An oral history

of the zombie war (1st ed.). New York: Crown.

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