Answered By: Kathryn Park
Last Updated: Mar 19, 2018     Views: 181541

You should handle them using the same rules you would for a paper. In text citations, are really just a briefer version of the citation on your Works Cited page. 

  • Add our in-text citation within the sentence or bullet point on your slide.
    • Typically, an in text citation will look like this (Berman 45), referring to the work by Berman on page 45. See more about MLA style In Text Citations
  • Your Works Cited page can be on your last slide.
  • Your instructor may have specific instructions so always check that first.

See more in our MLA Style guide

Comments (11)

  1. it's 3am and you saved my life with this.
    by motivated procrastinator on May 24, 2015
  2. What if I were just implementing visual aid and not mentioning the picture on my powerpoint?
    by motivated procrastinator version 2 on Nov 10, 2015
  3. Hi Motivated

    You will still need to include information for the visual aid. Use the instructions for a table or illustration.
    by Erin McDaniel on Nov 13, 2015
  4. Hi! So, will the works cited page for illustrations look like a regular citation page? Thanks so much! And what info can I use to cite, if it's a picture of a book cover, say, or just a random photo that offers no info??
    by DZinna on Apr 05, 2016
  5. The Works Cited page is handled the same regardless of the format of the sources. How you would cite a book cover depends on a few factors. If there is a known illustrator, follow the rules for citing an illustrated book:

    Instead of an illustrator, there may be a cover designer. Examine the verso page, on the backside of the title page (where you find copyright dates, Library of Congress Cataloging info, etc.) and look to see if anyone is credited with cover design. If so, just use the phrase cover designer instead of illustrator.

    For a photo with no name, title, or date, you will "create a title" by writing a description, such as: Untitled Photo of Boy with Puppy. Use n.d. for no date listed.
    A good example is listed in this guide under the heading "Images (With No Author, No Title, No Date)":

    Also look to this guide for the example of citing a photograph under An Original Work of Visual Art:
    by Erin McDaniel on Apr 09, 2016
  6. Life savior. Thanks
    by Glad on Oct 25, 2016
  7. I myself have a pp presentation to do; and I have multiple peices of information from the same book (different pages from the book as well) all on one slide in different bullet points. Do I put a in text citation on each bullet point citing where I got my information from, or is there a easier way to do it that would be less text-consuming?
    by Random Frey on Oct 27, 2016
  8. Officially, you would have to cite each bullet point differently. However, if your instructor will allow it, you could conceivably just put the page numbers at the end of each bullet point, and the full parenthetical citation at the end of the slide (minus the page numbers). If that looks better, check with your instructor to see if that would be ok.
    by Erin McDaniel on Oct 28, 2016
  9. I am creating a presentation for a paper, and I was wondering how I would cite images and ideas in the powerpoint in the Chicago style?
    Thank you.
    by Prolix on Jan 12, 2017
  10. Hi Prolix

    Emory University has a great instruction sheet on this. It includes citing references from a database, website, and for images. Here is the link:
    by Erin McDaniel on Jan 13, 2017
  11. If a bullet point contains more than one sentence, but they are all from the same source, do I have to put a citation after each sentence or just at the end of the bullet point?
    by Stef on Apr 06, 2018

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