Answered By: Kathryn Park
Last Updated: Sep 12, 2024     Views: 14297

Well, that depends. If it is the print version, it should be listed on the cover or spine, just like it would be for a magazine.

If you are looking at an article you found in an online database, you will see the issue date for the journal in which the article appears either displayed in the result list or when you click on the article title. The issue date is usually accompanied by a volume number and an issue number, also look above the article title or at the end of the article. The issue date and volume number will often be listed there, as well.

If you are looking at something specific, and still can't find the publication date, give us more information, and we will help you locate it.

Comments (12)

  1. hi really could do with the publishing date of this article
    Recent Advances on Mechanics, Materials, Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
    for an essay I am writing
    any help would be great

    Thank you
    by Liv on Nov 23, 2019
  2. oliviamackie10, If you look at the beginning of the document, you'll find the date.
    by Kathryn Park on Nov 25, 2019
  3. Hi! I am struggling to find who published this article and when it was published.
    by Klare van Heerden on Jul 05, 2020
  4. Hi Klare. I've searched Google Scholar, WorldCat and even googled, but the only place I find it is where you did. If it was published in a journal it would have come up in one of those places. So essentially the academics site is where it has been published, which is not a journal, but a sharing site.
    by COM Librarian on Jul 06, 2020
  5. Hi! I would like to know when this research journal was created or published; it just happened that it is somehow related to the study I am working on. Thanks a lot! Link:
    by Miel on Oct 29, 2020
  6. Hi Miel, This project proposal hasn't been published in any academic journals, and the author did not put a date anywhere on the document. If it is still a source necessary to your paper, you could try to contact the author to find out when it was written.
    by Laura Russell on Oct 30, 2020
  7. I really need to know the published date of this article. I have reached out to the author to no avail. Please help!
    by Sharon Ingram on Feb 05, 2021
  8. Sharon, unfortunately the publication date is simply not listed. The source is not a traditional academic journal. The closest I can find is the first footnote that mentions when the paper presented "This paper was presented at Sopana Orthodox Academy For Studies in Theology and Culture PG Fellowship Plenary Meeting was organized on Tuesday 30th December, 2014 at Sopana Academy Hall, Mar Baselios Dayara, Njaliyakuzhy, Kottayam, India."
    by KATHRYN PARK on Feb 09, 2021
  9. please help me. It is urgent to know the date of publication of this article Could you please help me find it? Please
    by Sreelakshmi on May 18, 2023
  10. Sreelakshmi, I am sorry I did take a look but I cannot find any information on when this was published. I did search Google Scholar, WorldCat and even googled and even searched the article databases our library, but the only place this appears is on the site. If it was published in a journal it would have come up in one of those places. However, when you find an article on this site, you can click on the author name. This takes you to a page that will list everything they contributed and in some cases you can see dates there. This was not the case for this article, but you still have another option, which is to contact the author directly and ask. Go to the top of the author page and click on more to will see all available contact information. Good luck!
    by COM Librarian on May 18, 2023
  11. please help me. It is urgent to know the date of publication of this article.
    by Ariana on Sep 11, 2024
  12. Hello Ariana. The site, Miller Center at University of Virginia, does not list a publication date. There is however, and option to contact them. That is your best bet for finding out a date if they have that information available. Go to:
    by COM Librarian on Sep 12, 2024

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