Answered By: Kathryn Park
Last Updated: Aug 02, 2019     Views: 116

We would like to be accommodating, but the truth is that we have limited staff and budget so we have to make choices about when we are open. In order to be open the hours you request we would have to cut hours we are already open. We are currently open 65 hours a week (which is 25 hours more than many areas on campus), M-Th 8-9, F 8-5 and S 9-1. In addition, thousands of eBooks and hundreds of thousands of articles are available online through the library 24/7, as well as our great guides and LibAnswers to which students can refer when we are closed. Just so you know, we do student surveys every year and one of the questions is satisfaction with hours. Student satisfaction with our hours has always been above 90%. 

Another way to look a this is when are we the busiest?  Out statistics show our busiest days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday and Saturday are significantly slower than other days. Our busiest times are from 9-1, with a significant drop off after 3. By the way, the statistics include questions from students face 2 face, via email, live, chat, phone, and online through LibAnswers. In other words, questions that we receive even when we are not open.






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