Answered By: Erin McDaniel
Last Updated: Aug 05, 2024     Views: 62

Top Article Sources

We have quite a few databases that support nursing, but CINAHL Ultimate is usually your best bet. If you can't find enough there, the second one to try is Health Research Premium Collection. Both have evidence based as well as peer reviewed articles. Here is a tip: Limit your results to the past 5 years using the publication date option as you should not use anything older than 5 years for nursing unless it is of historical interest. 

Books, eBooks & Streaming Media

We also have books, eBooks and streaming media. Use OneSearch to to search for your topic. 

Nursing Guides

We also have nursing guides on our most popular nursing topics, with top sources curated especially for those topics. 

More on CINAHL

When doing nursing research, the CINAHL Ultimate search options can be your best friend. Nursing research is very specialized and there are some great limits available from the Advanced page that can really help you get the articles you need more quickly.

Some key limiters are highlighted below. Articles can be limited to only those that are peer reviewed, evidence based practice, nurse authors, or select specific criteria to apply to patients, such as age group or gender. Multiple limits can be applied to any search.

Just a few of these limits are available from the result so have to be applied before your search.

CINAHL Options

Did you know? Our databases provide citations!

For citations, it depends on the individual database, but they all provide citations. You can go to the Grab a Citation page in the Cite APA Style and Cite MLA Style guides to get step by Step instructions with screen shots. 

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