Answered By: Kathryn Park
Last Updated: Aug 05, 2019     Views: 81

The short answer is that technology as a topic is too broad. There are, of course, many kinds of technology in the world. Many of which may be either advantageous or detrimental, but some of which may be both. For instance, the use of cell phones while driving has caused accidents, including death. At the same time, having a cell phone when an emergency occurs has been known to save lives.

Just so you know, most articles about cell phones or Internet will not necessarily have a list of advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons. Your search will be easier if you focus on a more specific type of technology like cell phones, Internet or even Facebook. For instance, Facebook has been notorious as a place pedophiles search for children to prey on. Scammers try to steal information. Bullies harass students. At the same time, friends have been able to connect or reconnect with friends and family. More recently Facebook has facilitated political change in Egypt. If you were to narrow your search to Facebook, you might need to search on all those things. So several different searches (each link is a search in EBSCO, click to see results), like Facebook and bullies, Facebook and scams, Facebook and Egypt, and so on. You would then have to take in all that information and synthesize what the advantages and disadvantages are of Facebook. If you do go with something more specific like cell phones, you may find pro and con articles in Facts on File: Issues & Controversies, Opposing Viewpoints or CQ Researcher.

Even if you want to keep your topic as broad as all of technology, you will still have to use narrower search terms such as cell phones, Internet, Facebook, medical technology, etc., and maybe combine with other terms like safety, danger, and once again, based on the information you find, you will have to synthesize advantages and disadvantages.

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