Answered By: Ashlen Dube
Last Updated: Jul 11, 2024     Views: 17461

There's a few different ways to put multiple photos onto one page.  Microsoft Publisher, PowerPoint, and Word will all work for this purpose.  All you have to do is create a blank document in the program of your choice, copy the images you want to put in, and then paste them into the blank document.  Alternately, you can import the pictures if you already have them saved.  Once this is done, you will need to resize and move the images to where you want them on the page. 

Comments (2)

  1. Whenever I try to insert, add, or import a second photo onto the blank publication page, it simply REPLACES the previous photo? Why can I add only one photo??
    by Boyd on Dec 10, 2024
  2. Hello @boydasmith. I am sorry you are having trouble. This is probably the kind of things where someone has to be there in person to see what is happening. You local public library may be able to help. Without knowing more, there are two things that occur to me are and you've probably already tried them: 1) If you don't hit enter after you paste in each image, most programs will pate the new image in the same spot, basically overwriting the previous image. 2) Sometimes the clipboard function does not work as intended and keeps the 1st image in the memory, so that you are really just pasting in the same image over and over. The solution for this is generally to close all the programs and restart them and if that doesn't work restart your device. .
    by COM Librarian on Jan 08, 2025

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